Saturday 15 February 2014
Louise Evans
Senior Manager
£300 Bonus income for January 2013
£6000 Bonus income for January 2014
How did Louise do it?
At the Forever event called the Success Day, Louise spoke very movingly about her background, her life and how joining Forever has changed her and her life completely.
Louise grew up in a very negative environment with a stepfather who told her that she would never achieve anything in life. She left school which she had hated with no qualifications and had been in a class for children who needed extra support. She thought that she was totally worthless. She had no confidence or self-belief.
Louise became a single mother of a little boy after physical and mental abuse by her partner. She fell into an office job she did not enjoy and to get to work, she had to commute for over three hours. She was stressed and in debt.
At times there was no food in the house for her and her little boy. Louise was looking for a change.
Louise followed a colleague on Facebook for six months. This lady had started her Forever business, she was very excited and showed Louise what she could achieve working with her in partnership with Forever.
Louise started her Forever business in June 2010. She told her sponsor that she wanted £1000 a month but inside she thought she was worth just £100 a month. It took her five months to find her first team member. She pretended to her sponsor that she was working her business, making phone calls and prospecting but she was not as she just could not handle rejection.
On Christmas Day 2011 Louise had her beautiful baby girl. This changed her. She decided to do whatever it took to make a success of her Forever business. She wanted to give her children the lives they deserved. She was terrified but her fear of not achieving was greater. She’d found her why and her emotional connection to her goals.
She went to work and committed to making 5 – 10 calls a day every day six days a week. She said it was horrendous and that she made lots of mistakes but she started to book meetings and to build her team.
A big influence on Louise was a remark by one of our top business builders in the UK which made her realize that
"What you think about, you bring about."
Louise started to tell herself “People WILL want to join me”. She fed herself positive thoughts and got rid of her negativity.
Louise started to recruit new team members every month without fail. She led her team by example. She gave her team tracks to run on and encouraged them to use all the tools that Forever provides. She attended Business Presentations, trainings and Success Days.
Two years ago, Louise had 14 people in her team. Today she has 700. For January 2013 she had a bonus income of £300. For January 2014, her bonus was £6000.
Louise thanked all the people who had laughed at her because this had given her the motivation and drive to prove them wrong. She now has a life changing income, a car all paid for, she has developed a residual income that is WILLABLE to her babies, she has free global travel and a share of the profits of Forever, a company that turns over $2.8billion.
There were more than two thousand people at the Success Day when Louise told her story from stage. She was nervous. She cried at times. But she did it! What a triumph for this young woman who once had no self-worth and had been told that she would never achieve….
Few friends have told me their desire to do our business after seing the results we are achieving, yet because of LIMITING BELIEVES ABOUT THEMSELVES they are set back from doing it. So believe in yourself, then, you can achieve it. It's all about having the right Mindset. I will end by saying this just like Obama says: "Yes we can ", then we can be of assistance with a view to helping you achieve your dreams.
Yours Forever
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