Friday, 25 July 2014


Who is the greatest network marketer in the world who ever lived? Do you think it will be tantamount to blasphemy to say Religious leaders (from Christianity point of view Jesus Christ ) is the greatest Networker in the world? Don't conclude yet until you finish reading this piece of my writeup.

DISCLAIMER: This is in no way directed to a religion or insult intended to any one or a religion body or does not mean the author is blaspheming! This is just my own conceived notion. Initially i was of the opinion that i was the only one thinking in that direction until i met someone yesterday who was also conducting research on Network Marketing and finally find out we share the same thought. So i decided to share the our ideas to the public.

Religious leaders are the greatest networkers in the world. The principle in here applies to all religion but I will use Christianity as a reference point. At the end of This presentation we will be able to know and find out whether Jesus Christ (and by extension other religious leaders) is a greatest NETWORK MARKETER WHO EVER WORKED ON EARTH or not.

During his prehuman existence, he was the FIRST THING that God created (proverb 8:22-31) after which God later used in to created others both living and none living things. So through Jesus, God created other angels, humans and so on and so forth (Colosians 1:15)

Later he was given birth to, and came to this world. Without going into details surrounding his birth, teenage years, his mission on earth reflected the method he employed with a view to accomplishing his goals. How did he do that? He used PRINCIPLES WE USE NOW in Network Marketing.

After his baptism, he selected his 12 apostles who are the closest to Jesus Christ (Luke 6:13-16) :(sometimes i refer to these twelve bases on the duties assigned to them as the "boards of directors or his immediate downline organization) who were given the commision also to preach the goodnews of God's kingdom.

Later, from the Gospel account, their numbers grew gradually to 70 disciples (Luke10:1) (majority were not directly been preached to by Jesus Christ ). These also later became 120 (Act 1:15) and by the time Jesus Christ died and his disciples were to gather together @ Pentecost 33C.E, the number has already grown to 3000 disciples Act 2:41) in Jerusalem and it's surrounding city.

Today, close to 1 billion people in the world claims or believe they are Christians. This means they accepted to be part of Jesus Christ's network. The name of the company Jesus worked with is called God's kingdom. The consumable product from the company is called the "goodnews of God's kingdom "

So is there any lesson we can learn? The answer is yes. Supposing Jesus Christ decided to preach by himself alone, where do we think Christianity will be today? For us to have the green light into that, after Jesus death, the goodnews was taken to far distant places meaning it was not known until the disciples (Downlines)went abroad. That doesn't mean we are ruling out the omnipotent nature of God and by extension Jesus Christ. if they wish they could have done that, but rather they decided to choose Networking as a method of spreading the goodness.

Perhaps that was the same secret of rich people in the world. Using Mike adenuga as a case study. He owns globacom telecommunications. Supposing he after making his recharge cards and sim cards decides to sell them ON HIS OWN. Where and what do we think Mike will be today? Perhaps the next 10 years struggling to cover a state. Mike is smarter. What he does is that he has over 2million distributors in Nigeria. Let's assume each of these sells N1000 recharge cards per day for Mike. On average basis, the distributors don't have more than N50 per N1000, making about N950 goes back to Mike. Let's assume that we pretend as if we don't even know, and we assume that if JUST N10 goes back to mike, per day Mike has made N20Million. (⊙o⊙)

That is the principle Mike and I learnt from the Greatest NETWORKER in the world. Its working both for Mike and myself. How about you? Are you making use of the great lessons we learnt from the Greatest networker in the world to build a solid business?

leave us a mail now!

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